Taipei, April 18 (CNA) Diplomatic relations between Dominican Republic and Taiwan remain stable, although the Caribbean country does intend to boost its economic ties with China, a Dominican Republic official said Tuesday in Taipei.
"President Leonel Fernandez said that the relationship between Taiwan and Dominican Republic is beyond the diplomatic level. It's up to an ethical level, " said Jose Luis Corripio Estrada, an economic adviser to Fernandez and the president of Grupo Corripio, one of the biggest corporations in Dominican Republic.
The Associated Press reported two weeks ago that Dominican Republic Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso said in a TV interview April 6 that his country would consider establishing official diplomatic relations with China if it serves the country's interests.
A Spanish proverb says that when one faces a crossroads, taking both routes the best way, Corripio said, adding however that "the proverb is not suitable for describing the relations between Dominican Republic, Taiwan and China."
Dominican Republic is determined to maintain official relations with Taiwan and this can easily be seen, he said.
"First of all, President Fernandez is visiting Taiwan in June and will meet high-ranking officials here. He would not come such a long way to cut the ties between two countries. Also, Dominican Republic and Taiwan are about to launch a massive cooperation plan that has been worked on for many years. Why would we give it up for the sake of establishing relations with China? " he asked.
Speaking on China, Corripio said his country has been trading with China for decades, including the years during which the U.S. imposed an embargo on China. With China's rapid economic development, it's only natural for Dominican Republic to increase trade with China.
Dominican Republic is looking to maintain relations with Taiwan, Corripio said. But "a good relationship takes more than government administration. It takes more cooperation from the private sector to form a more solid bond between us, " he added as an encouragement for more Taiwanese businessmen to invest in Dominican Republic through joint ventures.