Taipei, Oct. 19 (CNA) Explaining what the European Union (EU) is to adults is difficult enough, let alone explaining it to children, but there is no better way to introduce the EU to children in Taiwan than with a picture book, an EU official in Taiwan said Friday.
Speaking to a group of kindergarten children at the Taipei Public Library, Guy Ledoux, head of the European Economic and Trade Office (EETO) in Taiwan, described the EU as "a big family of 27 children with different habits, but they have to obey the same rules."
Ledoux and French Institute in Taiwan Director Jean-Claude Poimbeouf were among a group of European representatives who launched an exhibition featuring the children's picture book "Petits Europeens (Little Europeans)", by French illustrator Nicole Lambert.
In 60 boards with texts in Chinese, Taiwan citizens will be able to explore the work of Lambert, an illustrator best known for her devotion to children's picture books.
"I hope that many children from Taiwan will visit the exhibition and will learn more about Europe. I hope that when they grow up and become students, some will come and study in Europe and see for themselves the great diversity of European countries and enjoy the various landscape, food and tradition, " Ledoux said.
The book tried to introduce background information, stories and traditions of the 27 EU member states to children around the world. The educational effort is part of a series of events the EETO has organized to help the people of Taiwan understand more about Europe, and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the EU.
The EETO will organize a European Film Festival in 12 universities later this year.