Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taiwan vessel released from pirate control: EU Navy

Taipei, Jan. 29 (CNA) Taiwanese fishing vessel Taiyuan 227 had been released after being hijaced by Somali pirates for nine months, European Union Naval Force Somalia (EUNAVFOR Somalia) said Saturday Taiwan Time.

"Although exact details surrounding the situation are not known at this time, there are indications that the Taiwanese flagged fishing vessel TAI YUAN 227 has been released from pirate control, " the naval military operation -- codenamed Operation Atlanta -- established to protect maritime security said in a release posted on its website.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is trying to confirm the news, " Bruno C.H. Shen, deputy director-general of the MOFA's Department of African Affairs, told CNA by telephone Saturday morning.

"We have not received related information or contact from the crew so far, " he said.

The Kaohsiung-based longliner with 28 crew members from China, Vietnam, Kenya, Mozambique and the Philippines was held May 6 last year while operating northeast of the Seychelles.

The vessel's owner "apparently received a call from the master stating that they had been released but that they did not know why, " EUNAVFOR said in the release, adding that the crew were provided with fresh water and food by a United States warship after their release.

Taiyuan 227, which had likely been used as a pirate mothership until three days ago according to the EUNAVFOR, is now heading away from Somalia.

Latest statistics of the EUNAVFOR showed that there are two Taiwanese fishing vessels still in the hands of pirates-- Zechuntsai No. 68 and Shiuh Fu No. 1, which were hijacked in March and December of last year, respectively.

There are 30 vessels and 711 hostages being held by Somali pirates as of Friday, according to the statistics. (By Chris Wang) enditem/jc