By Chris Wang / Staff Reporter
Tens of thousands of piggy banks handed out nationwide as part of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) “three little pigs” fundraising campaign will converge on Banciao District (板橋), New Taipei City (新北市), on Sunday.
The piggy banks returned by supporters to campaign headquarters in various cities and counties would be transported by trucks to DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) national headquarters in Banciao, DPP spokesperson Lin Chun-hsien (林俊憲) said yesterday.
More than 70,000 piggy banks have been returned since the designated “homecoming day” on Saturday, about two months after the party launched the campaign in the wake of a warning from the Control Yuan, which said the DPP’s acceptance of three piggy banks from a set of young triplets was a possible violation of the Political Donations Act (政治獻金法).
The DPP distributed more than 200,000 piggy banks as the campaign grew in popularity.
DPP staffers will punch holes at the back of the piggy banks with specially designed equipment and then sort the coins and bills before depositing the money in the party’s political donations account, Lin said.
“The process will make the plastic piggy banks recyclable so that they will not have a negative impact on the environment,” campaign spokesperson Hsu Chia-ching (徐佳青) said.
Supporters have the rest of the week to return their piggy banks to DPP offices nationwide before they are shipped to Banciao, she said.